Asheville Treehouse Builders Answers a Top FAQ question: Does Building in the Trees Harm Them?
Do the trees suffer for the sake of a luxury treehouse? The short answer is, no.
We made a video to address one of the questions we are most frequently asked: Does building in the trees harm them? This is a great question, because it shows the respect that our clients and potential clients have for the life-supporting organisms that allow us to enjoy the creative structures we build. Namely, trees! Where would any of us be without them?
Of course, when we build in the trees, one of the biggest purposes is to enjoy the surrounding forest. So absolutely, we don’t want to harm the very things that we are there to benefit from.
In a nutshell, we begin by using extreme care when selecting healthy trees. Then of course, we use specialized artificial limbs to support the foundation. As Adam explains in the video, these limbs are engineered to not only join the treehouse foundation securely to the trees, but also to make sure that the weight distribution is appropriate for the site so that the trees are not stressed.
The design of the limbs also allows for the trees to continue to grow naturally. Trees are as resilient as they are beautiful. When the limbs are bolted to the trees, the tree begins to grow around the bolts so the tree’s health can be maintained. Because we are custom treehouse builders, we construct our treehouses so that building elements such as decks & railings, walls, rooflines, etc. give enough space for each tree to expand with growth. Our luxury treehouses are designed to be enjoyed for generations!
Enjoy the video by clicking here or on the image above. We hope this answers some of your questions about this important topic that’s near and dear to our hearts as your personally invested Asheville treehouse builder: the health of the trees!
Visit our FAQ page to read more about this question and others as well.
World Treehouses of Asheville, NC’s skilled team can build you a one-of-a-kind treehouse or other tree project for living, gathering, playing, meditating, and connecting with nature. If you’d like to discuss a treehouse project on your land, contact us or click the button below. Or subscribe to our newsletter to inspire your treehouse dreaming.